Friday, September 23, 2011

Let the countdown begin...

It's almost surreal to think that in just less than a week, our family will go from three to four. I already know that I'll fall deeply in love with her as soon as I lay my eyes on her, but I absolutely can't wait for those precious newborn moments.... the bond that forms almost instantaneously during those first few feedings, that crazy delicious new baby smell, and watching Philip handle a new little one with his perfect daddy hands....

I feel more ready this time to handle a newborn... yes, the nursery is complete and her dressers are packed full of way too many gorgeous girl clothes.... but the feedings, the sleepless nights, the tears, and the unkown of newborn... it doesn't really scare me this time around. I'm relaxed in the knowing that we're ready for baby number two... uncomfortable at almost thirty-nine weeks, yes... but relaxed.

So what keeps my mind racing during these last few days as a momma of one? My first baby.

I love our time together, our "Jacob and Momma time" as he says, watching his "Jacob and Daddy time"... and of course our family time. I still carry him on my hip the same way I did when he was six months old... we snuggle together the same way we did that whole first year... and we still read books every single day the same way we did since the day he was born.

And it's not that I think these sweet moments will end... I know there's more than enough love to go around. I just want to make sure that he knows he's still my most special and favorite first child.

I want him to know that we will still give him special alone moments...

That I'll still capture all of his crazy amazing soccer moves on camera...

That Daddy will always make time for a game of baseball....

And soccer lessons...

That yes, life is going to change, but it's going to get even better...

That there's not a doubt in my mind that he's going to be the sweetest, most amazing big brother...

That when the days get busy and stressful, I will promise to take moments out to breathe and relax and stop whatever I might be doing to watch him...

And of course, make some time to show his daddy how much I love him...

I want him to know that he's the reason I learned how to be such a good momma.

I got to share all of my first momma moments with him and that will never ever change.

Happy Friday to you. We've got some fantastic plans to welcome in fall this evening....

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