Friday, January 29, 2010

Lazy Friday Evening

Tonight was one of those evenings where we felt like doing absolutely nothing... and that is exactly what we did. We had originally planned to go out to dinner with our little man but, because of the freezing cold weather, we stayed in and had some of Mama's chicken noodle soup. I took Jacob with me to the gym for the first time yesterday. There were no other kids in the room when I dropped him off... he immediately began playing with the toys (read: he did not miss Mommy one bit). I went to go check on him after about twenty minutes and another little boy in the room was screaming crying. Jacob was standing right by him looking very worried. As soon as he spotted me, he absolutely lost it. I wasn't quite ready to leave yet so I went into the room for a quick cuddle session, got him involved in the toys again, and was able to finish my workout! He was happy as can be when I came back. He continues to amaze me everyday.

Jacob is absolutely in love with the following books (all of which I could read to him in my sleep now):
1. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb (Dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum!)
2. Hanukah Lights (Mmm..mmm.. good!)
3. Touch and Feel Baby Animals (Hello little chick!)

I'm off to finally cuddle with my other man.. a few pictures to share....

Jacob decided he would rather stare at Mommy and Daddy then the camera:

Can I love this little guy more?

Too cold to play outside...

But I want to play on my swingset!

Please, Mom!


Kate Baker said...

You mean you didn't go to the rodeo tonight? ;) haha

Stephanie said...

You think you are so funny.... you better watch it or I'll hire another photographer :)

Kate Baker said...

I didn't say it in the first place, Mr. Cotta did :) I should be careful though, you probably would hire another photographer...just like you did with a babysitter!

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