Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kiss Kiss!

Jacob just started giving Mommy and Daddy... and Yaya and Pops and Ellie and everyone kisses!! It's quite cute when he opens his mouth and plants a big slobbery mess all over your face. Jacob turned ten months yesterday. We celebrated by going to a Hanukah celebration at Mama and Papas - Jacob got some great new toys:

Thank you to...
Mama and Papa for the Hanukah gelt, menorah, and ball.. and for cooking an amazing dinner!
Aunt Gale and Uncle Rick for the "Jacob" sippy cup and new books
Sim, Michael, Joseph and Reis for the Fisher Price Little People farm animals and barn
Mattew and Robin for Jacob's Fisher Price CD player
Uncle Justin for his first football!
We will finish our celebration at our house on December 23. How lucky we are to have such an amazing family :)
A few pictures from April:

Jacob and Yaya

The Men!

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