Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It has been way too long since I posted pics of this little guy. Here are some pictures from our first visit to the pumpkin patch. Exciting things that have happened since Jacob turned 8 months old:

1. He now has SIX teeth (four on top, two on bottom)
2. He is pulling himself up and walking around the furniture and crawling everywhere.
3. He is waving bye-bye
4. He loves clapping!
5. We started swim lessons last Friday evening - Daddy took him in the water for his first lesson (more video to follow)
6. He can locate the light if you say "light"
7. We moved into our new home on Thursday and he is enjoying all of his new space!
8. He started eating almost all finger foods - carrots, peas, bananas, and sweet potatoes or a few of his favorites!
9. He finally upgraded to a new, bigger and better carseat.
10. He laughs ALL the time - but that really hasn't changed :)

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